Funny Emoticon Smiley

Funny Emoticons Status

Senin, 28 September 2009

Facebook Smiley Codes

I'm sure lots of you use the well-known Facebook, and Im sure many of you are familiar with their new little chat system they have put into play. One thing they dont show, is the CODES to put smiley's in your text... so Im going to show them to you!

Facebook Happy Smiley Face Facebook Frown Emoticon FB sticking tongue out nyah nyah Big grin happy face for facebook chat Gasp facebook smiley Winking face book smiley nerd geeky facebook smiley glasses cool hot sunglasses smiley face Grumpy Angry facebook smiley codes unsure confused fb emoticon crying sad facebook smilies evil devil facebook smiley shark facebook emoticon
:) :( :P :D :O ;) 8) 8| >:( :\ :'( 3:) (^^^)
angel innocent facebook happy face facebook kiss emoticon facebook heart love kiki japanese facebook smiley squint squinting facebook emoticon confused dazed fb happy face upset raging smiley for facebook facebook pacman smileyface content happy smiley facebook crackbook robot smileyface putnam facebook emoticon
O:) :-* <3 ^_^ -_- O.o >:o :v :3 :|] :putnam:

So far it is not possible to insert your own smileys into Facebook Chat (like we are able in for example MSN Messenger), although we are hoping to be able to do this. So we know that Facebook Chat supports some smileys but do you know all of them? No problem, here is the list:

Smiley shortcuts are entered directly into the Facebook Chat window, you can insert them alone or in the middle of other text, Facebook recognizes them in any place. You can also write more of them in the same line of text.

Do you like this smileys? Would you have a suggestion for new smileys, or even possibility to insert your own smileys? Comments are below...

Facebook Chat Emoticons

Facebook emoticons can be used in Facebook Chat conversations. Each emoticon is called by writing it's shortcut into the Chat box.

Facebook is the most popular social network out there. It first started as a network for Harvard students but soon expanded to accept everybody all over the world and gained enormous popularity among all generations. It is almost hard to find in these days someone who is not "on Facebook".

smilesmile:-) :) :] =)
tonguetongue:-P :P :-p :p =P
winkwink;-) ;)
gringrin:-D :D =D
curly lipscurly lips:3
kisskiss:-* :*
grumpygrumpy>:( >:-(
glassesglasses8-) 8) B-) B)
sunglassessunglasses8-| 8| B-| B|
upsetupset>:O >:-O >:o >:-o
confusedconfusedo.O O.o
gaspgasp:-O :O :-o :o
devildevil3:) 3:-)
unsureunsure:/ :-/ :\ :-\
frownfrown:-( :( :[ =(
Chris PutnamChris Putnam:putnam:
angelangelO:) O:-)
penguin facebook emoticonpenguin<(")

Want to add some spice to your new Facebook chat conversations? Here are the obvious (and maybe not so obvious) smilies/emoticons/emotes that you can use in your Facebook chats! Just type what’s under the picture and it’ll pop up in your chat!